Thank You

That was easy, and so important!

Thank you for your generous support! We are a brand new organization, dedicated to Texas, to Texans and to individual liberty and responsibility. There’s no other organization like us working only to make Texans both safer and more free.

Your donation is not tax deductible, but that is because we’re able to use every dollar to connect people like you to the legislative process and lobby at the Capitol for bills that will make a real difference. Most nonprofits are only allowed to use a small portion of their funds for lobbying. We can use every dime. Most nonprofits can’t spend money to create a grassroots movement in support of legislation. We can use every dime.

If you have any questions, just hit the “Got a Question” button and ask. Our small but dedicated staff will be back in touch shortly.

Spread the word about Just Liberty and help us build a movement both online and on the ground for reform in 2017!