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Just Liberty - State of Texas
Just Liberty - Vertical Rule

Every Day in Texas

People are arrested
and taken to jail for
simple traffic violation.

People languish in
jail for minor
offenses because they
can’t afford bail.

People must fight
the confiscation of
their cash or their cars
even though they have not
been convicted of
any crime.

Taxpayers pay
millions to arrest,
book and jail people who
pose no threat to
public safety.

Individuals’ zone of
personal privacy
is diminished.

Innocent people
lose jobs, housing,
credit, and more because
it takes years to get a
false arrest removed from
your record.

People are arrested and taken to jail for simple traffic offenses.

People languish in jail for minor offenses because they can’t afford bail.

People must fight the confiscation of their cash or their cars even though have not been convicted of they any crime.

Taxpayers pay millions to arrest, book and jail people who pose no threat to public safety.

Individuals’ zone of personal privacy is diminished.

Innocent people lose jobs, housing, credit and more because it takes years to get a false arrest removed from your record.

We have a Bipartisan Plan to Preserve Liberty and Safety

Democrats support reform because unjustified or overzealous criminal enforcement stops people from getting jobs, student loans and more.

Republicans support reform because individual liberty, unencumbered by government intrusion, will keep the Texas economy strong, taxes low, and incur values of personal responsibility.

It will take lawmakers from both parties, and help from you,
to change Texas laws which reduce our liberty and tax our pocketbooks while doing so little to make us safe.

Just Liberty - Prison Complex

Special Interests will oppose reforms

A huge industry relies on a high and constant rate of arrest and incarceration. Even though Texas is now enjoying the lowest crime rates most of us have known in our lifetimes, we have built up our jail, prison, prosecution and law enforcement manpower, and those powerful groups are deployed to address smaller and smaller crimes. When a person is arrested and jailed for failure to signal a lane change, we’ve gone way too far.

This industry will resist any effort to restrict its nearly unfettered power.

Your voice will make the difference. Lawmakers need to hear from people all across this great state, and that’s what Just Liberty can help do. We will keep you up to date as bills move through the process, and tell you exactly when to email or call your own lawmaker before a critical vote. These kind of bills rarely get media attention, so you can’t rely on your local paper to keep you informed. You can rely on Just Liberty.

Share Your Experience

Most of us have had some experience with Texas’ massive justice system – and those experiences often illustrate the problems that Just Liberty hopes to solve. Maybe you were you the victim of a burglary that never got solved. Maybe you experienced even more serious crimes and still wait for resolution. Maybe your rights were violated at a traffic stop. When so much of our public safety system is deployed stopping ordinary people for minor offenses, sometimes the complex and more serious crimes don’t get solved..

Have you or a family member experienced an unjust arrest or incarceration? Did a minor offense prevent you from getting a job, credit or housing? Your story can help move freedom bills forward.