Thank You

Thanks for supporting SB 271!

You’ve now sent a quick message to your Texas lawmakers. That’s great! Laws don’t change themselves. Texas lawmakers need to hear from us!

We are going to need to build our movement for liberty quickly if we want to influence the Texas legislative session that’s starting in January. If you know anyone else who might want to help stop wasteful and unnecessary arrests at traffic stops – so that stops will be safer for both officers and citizens and police can focus on more serious crimes – then take a moment right now to share Just Liberty’s new action and this website.

Next, in your email you will find a quick message you can forward to others in your contact list. If you share with just five others, and one of them joins you in action, then you will have helped us double our support base in mere moments.

If you want to:

  • restrict government agencies from seizing your assets if you have not been convicted of any crime (asset forfeiture reform), or
  • stop drivers from being arrested for minor traffic violations (no jail for violations that don’t have jail as an authorized consequence), or
  • demand more privacy and less government intrusion into your daily life,

then please share our website and encourage others to join you in support of Senator Burton’s SB 271. Share our site on Facebook or Twitter, but even more important, send a quick email to people in your contacts list so they hear it directly from you — Just Liberty needs their help!

Thank you again for joining our team, and watch for our next actions. Coming soon!