This week, Just Liberty and a coalition of 16 different organizations will ask the Texas Department of Public Safety to limit arrests for traffic infractions by Texas state troopers. DPS will only arrest a driver for traffic infractions if the driver poses an immediate danger. This new rule for troopers — if we pass it — will become a template for stopping the unnecessary arrest of drivers in your home town, a practice that has become far too common. Sandra Bland would still be alive if Trooper Encina hadn’t moved to arrest her for failure to signal a lane change.
More than 3,500 Just Liberty supporters have emailed DPS Director Steve McCraw in support of these proposed rules. If you haven’t done so yet, go here and send an email right now. Or, you can go to DPS’ Facebook page and use that platform to ask them to support Just Liberty’s proposal for new rules. (They haven’t given us a platform, so just use the comment section in an unrelated post.) If you’re a Twitter user, Tweet at them here.
For supporters in Austin, feel free to come to DPS headquarters on North Lamar at 10 a.m. on Thursday, August 24th, where we’ll be addressing the Public Safety Commission. This week’s meeting is critically important to our long term campaign for drivers’ rights at traffic stops.
Just Liberty is building a movement, and that means identifying supporters like you, arming you with facts, and connecting you when it’s possible to effect change. That’s our model. We need you to understand the battles so that, when the time comes to act, you’ll be ready, willing and able.
That’s why we’ve launched the new, monthly “Reasonably Suspicious” podcast – to keep Just Liberty supporters abreast off all the important news you won’t hear anywhere else. Go here to listen to the August edition of Reasonably Suspicious. Play it in the car during your commute or while you’re working out – it’s a half hour packed with informed discussions. Now that the kids are headed back to school, maybe you’ll have some extra time! 🙂
Those interested in even more detail should follow our policy director’s award winning blog, Grits for Breakfast, which for more than a decade has focused on Texas criminal-justice policy and politics.
So that’s it for now. Take action to support Just Liberty’s petition at the Department of Public Safety this week, and begin to educate yourself for the long-term by listening to our podcast or reading Grits for Breakfast. We’ve got big plans for the coming months and years, and it’s all going to be more fun if you’re engaged in the issues and marching with us stride for stride.
Thanks for all your support!