Special episode of Just Liberty’s Reasonably Suspicious podcast created to promote platform planks at the 2018 Texas Democratic Party convention in Fort Worth. Hosted by Scott Henson, featuring interviews with state Rep. Gene Wu, Chas Moore of the Austin Justice Coalition, as well as Kathy Mitchell and Sukyi McMahon, who are organizers with Just Liberty.
Sukyi McMahon leverages 15+ years’ experience writing and editing, and adds a deep understanding of public education and grassroots activism to help Just Liberty convey the truth about Texas’ criminal justice system. She is also a small business owner/entrepreneur, currently running her family bookstore in Austin. In addition to running her business and raising a family, she is a lead organizer for the Austin Justice Coalition, a rising non-profit whose work in local policy reform, education, civic engagement, and empowerment for communities of color has made them a noteworthy organization to watch. She is driven to continue a multi-faceted approach to effect positive change on the local and state level.